Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mandatory Introduction: No Cannibals Allowed

Before I really get started, I want to make something clear: this blog has nothing to do with cannibalism.
You see, my real life name is rather unusual, and sometimes people have trouble pronouncing it. To help these poor souls, I told them that if my last name was [blah-di-blah], my full name would sound like “be edible.”
About two years ago, I thought very seriously about making a blog. I even set it up, but then I did absolutely nothing with it for, you guessed it, about two years.
This attempt should go better. For one thing, I’ve learned something about writing consistently. For another, I actually have a plan! What is that plan, no one asks? I will be writing about a few general topics, based on the the day of the week. More specifically...
Memory Lane Monday: On Mondays, I plan to write about something that I remember happening. These stories will be told in no specific order. Some of them might be told from different points of view. This may be because I asked someone else for a memory, or because I found it easier to write the story that way. Regardless, I will do my best to make them accurate- or as accurate as they can be. My memory is, in some ways, very good, but it is not perfect.
Trope Tuesday: On Tuesdays, I will go to and hit random. Using that trope, I will (try to) write a short story.
Wordy Wednesday: Wednesdays are for updates. I’m a writer, and on Wednesday I’ll post something on how my various projects are going: word counts, new ideas, maybe some excerpts, stuff like that.
Thursdays: I don’t have an alliterative name for it yet, but Thursday’s posts will be pretty random. Basically, anything goes.
Food Fridays: Hey, the blog is called ‘Be Edible.’ I had to do something with that! In all seriousness, I don’t really know what I’ll be doing here. The current plan is to look up a recipe, make said recipe, and then write about how that goes. That will be… interesting. I’m not exactly a cook. There might be a couple of posts about pasta, at least to start.
Well, I think that’s about it. Tune in tomorrow for the first Food Friday! (It will almost certainly involve pasta. Seriously, I don’t cook. I heat. But I’m looking to change that.)